Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Deceptive Fundamentalism

As a pastor, I say very little about politics from the pulpit. In general terms, I decry the deceptiveness and immorality of many in our political system. In moral terms, I preach against things like abortion and homosexuality. But the followers of Christ are never called upon to change laws in their political system to make other people be moral. We ought to be salt and light in a dark world, but our primary role is bringing people to Christ. If enough lives are transformed by Christ, society will change. Thus, I use my pulpit to speak on and from Scripture, with social and political commentary only when a social or political issue concides directly with the passage of Scripture I'm preaching from.

That doesn't mean I don't have political views, nor that those views are not informed by my Biblical convictions. As an involved member in our society, this post caught my eye. For quite a while now, the advocates of global warming as a manmade phenomenon seem to me to have been acting more like steriotypical fundamentalists than most of the Christian Fundamentalists I know. I don't approve of what was done to gain the information revealed in that post - but I'm well aware that God sometimes uses one wrong to expose another.

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